Covid 19 Policy

EV SUMMIT 2021 – Covid Restrictions

Both Green.TV and the Säid Business School have a commitment to holding a safe and secure EV Summit, and with this aim in mind, we have prepared the following fair and transparent mandatory guidelines which will apply to all attendees, delegates, and staff of both organisations.

At the time of The EV Summit 2021 we will be adhering to 2m social distancing.

Based on current restrictions and safe practice we will expect the following to be observed:

  • Practice social distancing: keep a 2m distance from others at all times. If you need to communicate urgently or in detail using information or media, consider first how to safely do this without breaching the distancing rules.
  • Keep washing your hands and use the hand sanitiser provided.
  • Wear a multi-layered face covering, (bandanas, scarves and visors/face shields are not acceptable). Masks must be worn (and worn correctly- covering nose AND mouth) at all times on the event premises. Masks can only be removed when eating or drinking. Medical or other exemptions to mask-wearing must be communicated to the event organiser with certification prior to the event.  You will not be able to enter the event without a mask unless you are certified as exempt. You are encouraged to bring your own mask, but masks will be provided for attendees who require them.
  • On entry to the Säid Business School your temperature will be checked. You must follow instructions from Säid Business School, University of Oxford or Green.TV staff if your temperature is too high, in this case you cannot enter the venue.
  • If you have Covid 19 symptoms, get tested.
  • Self-isolate if you have received a positive result to a Covid 19 test, or if you are contacted by Track and Trace.
  • If you become unwell during the event, as with any occurrence of illness, immediately inform a member of staff from the Säid Business School, University of Oxford or Green.TV.

Your attendance at the event is conditional on your acceptance of these guidelines, successful registration to the event will include an agreement to abide by the guidelines provided.

In any exceptional instance of non-compliance with the guidelines, the Säid Business School, University of Oxford or Green.TV staff may ask the non-compliant person or persons to leave the premises; in this case re-admittance will not be possible, and the attendance fee will not be refunded.

Social Distancing

Social Distancing around the building - you will notice floor markings, posters, banners & perspex protective screens. Please adhere to the guidelines and keep a safe distance from others. The Event spaces are set-up with 2-metre distancing, please do not move any tables or chairs around. Please return to the same seat you have used after any breaks. In dedicated catering areas guests should observe a 1+ metre social distance and the catering tables are set-up in groups of a maximum of 6. We have introduced a ‘Keep Left’ one-way flow process in areas marked by directional signage.

Temperature Checks

Everyone entering the building is required to check their temperature as they go in. Any person identified with a temperature of higher than 37.8 degrees Celsius, will be asked to return home and seek medical advice. A high temperature does not indicate a COVID-19 diagnosis; however, this measure is in place to reduce the risk of the person remaining on site. These standalone temperature checking machines are located at the main entrance and those refusing to take their temperature will not be permitted entry.

Face Coverings

Face masks have to be multi-layered, NO visors/face shields, bandanas or scarves.

A face covering should be always worn when indoors, except when seated to eat or drink.

Please respect that some people are exempt from wearing a face covering. They may choose to wear a badge or sunflower lanyard to indicate this, but these are not compulsory.

A face covering is not required in our outdoor spaces, although it is still necessary to continue to observe social distancing.

Managed Introductions:

The Managed Introductions program of scheduled personal networking has been one of the high-value features of the EV Summit since its inception.  In the face of the restrictions posed by social distancing requirements, in order to retain the intimacy of this networking, Green.TV will be working with the Säid Business School to ensure that indoor meeting spaces are well-ventilated, doors are kept open and attendees continue to wear masks at all times.

As with the informal periods during the Summit, your diligent observance of Covid 19 guidelines during the associated networking will help us all ensure a safe and secure event.

Standards of Cleanliness

In addition to the regular cleaning schedule at Säid there will be several enhancements to the cleaning service to ensure a safe working environment.

There will be a high touch point cleaning programme to protect delegates from sickness caused by the transmission of bacteria and viruses.

Areas have been identified and labelled that are considered to be high intensity and have developed the cleaning specification to a dedicated team to ensure the surfaces are cleaned at a higher frequency throughout the event.

There will be sanitiser stations at regular points around the buildings and sanitiser wipes and dispensers will be provided in each teaching room.

All non-essential items such as delegate paper and pens have been removed so please bring your own.

Travelling into the UK from abroad

Please follow your own countries guidelines, information can be found on the below link: